Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Introducing LANDR, a new Audio Mastering Service.

      Mastering Audio has been a very time consuming thing for many new music producers who have no experience with audio mastering. Basically mastering is the final audio processing applied at the end stage of a song, usually audio engineers are the ones mastering not music producers themselves. A mastering engineer is something many cannot afford, not many have the time nor the money for one. LANDR now exists to give this service quick and instant, the company saw many musicians struggling to get a good master recording. They took the opportunity to make mastering audio something quick and cheap, as a result, this online based service is now quickly sky rocketing to the top.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Beamz, The Failed DJ Product and Why It Failed


     For those who may not know, pop singer Flo-Rida made a DJ Product not too long ago. This product was aimed towards professional DJ's, with the promise that it would make DJ'ing much more simpler by waving your hands through small laser lights to make sounds play. Although a creative and innovative product, it was in the wrong market. DJ's would laugh and make jokes towards the whole idea of this, they thought it was a toy. Which it was, and the market for this product was mostly for young children who wanted to do do something that looked "fun" while make sounds from lasers. The product in itself was great for young people, but not for a professional DJ community. In other words, be wary of your product and where you market it to.
